"Dr. Bob"Our guests today include, first, a man who speak in rhyme. Then some VERY pregnant women. Lastly, sexual predators in your bathroom: real or imaginary?
Dr Bob = Let's give a big Dr. Bob welcome to Fred, a man who speaks in rhyme. Hello Fred!
Fred = Hey, Dr. Bob
Dr Bob = Hold on, young feller. Where's the rhyming?
Fred = Just not into it today. A bit sad, not quite glad
Dr Bob = Ok. Deep breath. Now, we booked you, FRED, with the understanding that you would ..... entertain us by speaking in rhyme. Now, yall gonna do that or is Dr Bob gonna have to get Paterno on your ass?
Fred = Please don't, Bob
Dr Bob = Fucking little shits get booked on MY fucking talk show, and they don't .... entertain. Fuck you Fred! I'm kick your ass sideways to Sunday! Get off my fucking talk show!
Fred = OK
Dr Bob = That was great. Now, let's get a look at some VERY pregnant women. Come on out, Maya Rudolph, Amy Poehler, and Pam from "The Office." Hey gals!
ladies = Hey Dr. Bob! Thanks for having us on your show! And thanks for making us park soooo close. You're sweet!
Dr Bob = Surely I am, girly girls. Now.... Why so VERY pregnant? Are you normally lazy?
Maya = Not normally
Amy = Fuck you, mustache! I'll take you out, you son of a bitch!
Pam = Yes. I am lazy
Dr Bob = Alright. Got THAT established, don't we? Now, since you're all lazy, my next question is, "Why don't you wear more makeup? Makes a woman look right, if yall ask Dr Bob."
Maya = I'm allergic
Amy = What did I just say, mustache man?
Pam = Yeah, I do wear a bit too much
Dr Bob = OK. So, you're all lazy and don't put enough powder on your alls faces. Next question: Will you go out with me? First, Maya
Maya = I'm married to a kind of famous director. We have 7 kids. And you're not exactly my type, Mustache Man
Amy = I'm up for it. Where would you take me on our first date?
Dr Bob = I'm a downhome country boy, Amys, so yall gonna have to eat some grits and chicken fried steak. The best place in LA to get that is Denny's on Melrose. They have a special table for Dr Bob
Amy = Awesome! I'm free...... Thursday nights. Nothing much to do on THAT night
Dr Bob = Okey dokey Amykin. We're on for this Thursday at 4:30pm at Dr Bob's special table at the Denny's on Melrose. I'll wear my favorite golf shirt and Wranglers, with Dr Bob's snakeskin cowboy boots that cost Dr Bob $1,995 back on in Texas
Amy = Can I bring my kids?
Dr Bob = On to you, Pam. When we goin' out?
Pam = Whenever
Dr Bob = Eeeewwww. That was too easy, girl. I like the thrill of the chase
Pam = So we're not going out?
Dr Bob = Let's see how Amy puts out. I may get back to you, hon